Here we go....and we're off. France Ahoy!

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Wednesday 20 July 2016

Here we go....and we're off. France Ahoy!

So, today all of the clearing officially ended and our hurried preparation for our next adventure came to a hasty conclusion. It was mid afternoon when we bundled our hiking packs into the car for a generous lift to Heathrow to embark on the hiking stage of our tour. Arriving in Geneva this evening quite late we had opted for an overnight stay in a nearby cheap hotel. Getting there, it turned out, was tricky (hence the price) but we did get to warm up our hiking legs with a 5km stroll into France en route to the HotelF1 Ferney-Voltaire. It's basic but clean.  It also has free WiFi, so i thought I'd share a few photos of our journey. We feel tired, emotional but definitely better already. What will tomorrow bring?

Tactical snooze with Gerald.....

Geneva airport, loaded up......

The middle of nowhere......

Ah, we found France. It was there all the time....

Sacre bleur. Just before dark.....sweaty and ready to relax. 

1 comment

  1. Well done. Finally there and the beautiful adventure can start! Looking forward to reading it all! All the best!!


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