Books We Are Taking On Our Alpine Hiking Adventure

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Tuesday 19 July 2016

Books We Are Taking On Our Alpine Hiking Adventure

As we are up late, in the heatwave sweeping the UK, and preparing to fly out to Switzerland tomorrow we are downloading eBook copies of the guides we've owned in hardcopy. We can't carry them all with us as we hike from place to place so we decided to put them all on our tablet instead. To get a flavour of where we are heading we've included some of the links below. We've used the Cicerone guides in the past for our trek on the Pyrenean Way and also the 100 Hut Walks book (Linked below) during our motorhome adventure. They are amazing guides. Sometimes there a few errors but that is to be expected as nature isn't static and routes do change. It's always worth checking the website for the latest updates. We don't use them in place of maps or solely to plan our trip but they are great summary to get a flavour and starting point. Once on the trail there is a lot of local knowledge from tourist offices and other people we meet which is the best way to refine our plans.

Right, back to the rucksacks for more packing....

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