Stunning Sunrise Across The Sea From Our Bedroom Balcony

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Wednesday 10 February 2016

Stunning Sunrise Across The Sea From Our Bedroom Balcony

It's only been a few days since we moved into our new base and so far we've already been treated to several fantastic morning light shows. On our first morning we woke early to see golden clouds stretched out across the horizon, shading to pink before our eyes. We hadn't planned to wake especially but as luck would have it had timed it just right to enjoy the spectacle unfold. With infinite and ever changing shades of amber, ochre and purple lighting the sky and reflecting off the sea and the hills of Cabo de Gata we sat transfixed for almost half an hour until the golden sun emerged hazily from the sea, shaded at first by the cloudy horizon before bursting out above the waves.

Since that first morning we've seen 4 more sunrises, all unique and wonderful in their own ways, and because they were so beautiful and gave us so much joy we wanted to share that beauty. There's something truly majestic and moving about seeing in a new day with the sunrise.

Each morning has been different .......

We very truly grateful to be waking up to this extra special view from our bedroom.......


  1. Speaking of a room with a view! You are so lucky and wise: making the decision to live your life!

  2. Thank you Chris. Your words are very kind. Waking up in the mornings this past week to this view have been incredible. We'd really encourage anyone who's thought about taking a break but isn't sure to just try it - we could never have expected the things we've been able to see and do or known just how many inspiring people we'd meet or the opportunities that would arise along the way.


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