How the Lego Motorhomers Saved Our Christmas!

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Friday 25 December 2015

How the Lego Motorhomers Saved Our Christmas!

It was the night before Christmas in their white rolling house when the Lego Motorhomers went out and about.  Stopping to make a snowman so white, a surprising visitor arrived in the night.  Santa it seemed had a broken down sleigh, but mini Ali and Dave were there to save the day....

Mini Ali and Mini Dave find themselves driving in a winter wonderland, with Christmas trees and reindeer all around, and decide to stop and have some fun, making a snowman.

Suddenly Santa appears and is in desperate need of help.  Apparently the sleigh is overloaded and it's too much for Rudolf to tow alone.  

Mini Ali and Dave being the heros they are can't possibly bear the thought of all those disappointed children - particular the big children Dan and Esther - and so they hatch a cunning plan....

Having seen what other motorhomers on the road are willing to tow - from bikes, to scooters, to cars and even extra caravans, they decide to hitch Santa's sleigh to their trusty Lego motorhome..... Plus after all that hard work they decided to take their snowman with them for the ride.

After a busy night and quite a lot of extra mileage on the motorhome, our Lego heros finally delivered all the gifts.  And the smiles on the big children make all the effort worthwhile ......


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