Walking Through Paradise - An expedition through Western Europe's largest nature reserve

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Wednesday 27 May 2020

Walking Through Paradise - An expedition through Western Europe's largest nature reserve

So, we wrote another great book about our adventures last summer (and I say that being totally unbiased, naturally).  Walking Through Paradise is an account of our fifteen day adventure through Western Europe's largest nature reserve, taking in the Vanoise National Park in France and the adjacent Gran Paradiso National Park in Italy, both in the Alps.

Over the next fortnight or so we'll be posting up a few favourite photos and a summary of each day we spent on the trail.  The photos tell some of the story but can only hint at the incredible people we met, the kindness we experienced and the life-altering moments of total exhilaration as we trekked and slept and lived above 2000 metres for days on end.

Because we set out only five days after completing a challenging 27 day loop around the Matterhorn it was supposed to be a relaxing, peaceful trip. Then we saw the glaciers and the peaks and all of that went out of the window. We trekked for another 240 kilometres and climbed another vertical kilometre every day, battling through blizzards, stranding ourselves at the top of 3000 metre plus glacier fields, and crossing cols so sharp and severe that we could scarcely believe we'd climbed them. We also slept in everything from our tent to metal sheds, and from plush hotels to a half-built treehouse we stumbled upon.

It really was a grand adventure through some of the most beautiful scenery we've ever encountered. That's why we called it Walking Through Paradise

Here are just a few highlight photos .....

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