Cycling & Hiking On The San Bernina Pass (2328 metres) - Amazing Diavolezza

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Sunday 12 August 2018

Cycling & Hiking On The San Bernina Pass (2328 metres) - Amazing Diavolezza

It was more than a decade ago that we first visited this part of Switzerland, during one of our student Interrail adventures. Since then we'd forgotten almost everything about it, except for the fact we visited an incredible glacier. We couldn't remember what it was called though, so you can imagine our pleasant surprise when we realised we'd ended up back here by staying for 3 nights at the top of the Bernina Pass in our motorhome and repeating almost the exact hike we'd enjoyed all those years earlier.

Although I went up in the motorhome, Esther cycled up the eastern side of the climb from Poschiavo, a challenging 17 km climb with a 7.5 average! The traffic was quite heavy, since this is a popular route between Switzerland and Italy, but the road is wide and well maintained.

The real treat, however, was the hike up to the mountain viewing station of Diavolezza, which translates at beautiful she-devil and takes it's name from a local legend which you can read about on Wikipedia. A couple of hours of hiking from the pass carried us up into a beautiful glacier paradise (which can also be reached by cable car) and then a little higher still as we continued up to the 3207 metre Munt Pers nearby.

We also had some lovely times during our stay at the pass, jogging and walking dogs around the lake and generally enjoying the peace and quiet of Alpine nights.

Enjoy the pictures....

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