Missing Sammy -The Best Part Of Our Time In Stone

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Friday 22 July 2016

Missing Sammy -The Best Part Of Our Time In Stone

When asked by Esther's parents what we had enjoyed the most about our time staying at theirs while dog sitting and helping them clear out, we both said the same thing....Sammy. Having missed our own pets since starting our travels spending time with Sam was a pleasure and also a big lesson for us. He was just so energetically sensitive. Every time we got tired, stressed or frustrated at each other he seemed to appear, agitated himself, and willing us to take him out and play ball....and he didn't give up until we did. And also every time it calmed us right down, soothed us and bought us closer together again. The perfect canine counsellor. That is why, sitting here in France, we found ourselves missing our furry companion of the last 4 weeks and wanted to share a few of our favourite pictures. We love you Sammy....

Sam laughing at my football skills....

Unimpressed face from Sam.....

Finally wore him out......

He's taunting me now.....

A more sedate stroll....

"Where are we going now"

"I don't know either?"

A jog together....

Time to get up Sam....

"You're feeling very sleepy"

Nice tent humans, can I come? 

What do mean I can't come! 

OK, I'll play ball with you if I have to....

Bounce it....please.....

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