Unexpected Running Joy in San Jose - A Loop Along Playa de Los Genoveses To Monsul

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Tuesday 8 March 2016

Unexpected Running Joy in San Jose - A Loop Along Playa de Los Genoveses To Monsul

We went on an impromptu run this morning. Leaving our Casa we weren't planning on going very far but ended up extending our loop along the beautiful Genoveses beach and on towards Monsul before heading back to San Jose up and around the headland. We'd sat down early to write and make our plans but it turned in a beautiful morning and after a few colder and cloudy days we both just wanted to get out and move our bodies.  I hadn't been feeling that well week before last and taken a few days rest in bed so to get back out this morning on the trails and feel alive again was wonderful.  The rest and the focus on good nutrition had done us both good and with some good tunes on the ipod we felt really inspired and buzzing when we got back.  It was a really good break and gave us renewed energy for our planning and writing in the afternoon.  We just wanted to share the joy of this exercise break.  Here are some pictures of our run.....

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