Traffic Jams - Problem Solved

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Friday 9 May 2014

Traffic Jams - Problem Solved

Just a quick post, but I was so pleased by the following discovery I wanted to share it.

We've all been there. You start out on a long journey, you're looking forward to it, you put on some good music and hit the road. Then, a few hours into the drive and without warning, the cars get closer and closer and closer together and - boom - you're in a traffic jam. You might as well turn the engine off and wait. To make things worse you probably have a full bladder as well.

That's exactly what happened to us on the A1 as we headed south after leaving Durham yesterday. But, it turns out a motorhome solves most of these problems. Not only are they an excellent place to be stuck (just switch off the engine and you're at home again), but they have their own facilities too so you can sit back and relax in comfort.

Problem solved :) I'm almost looking forward to the next one.

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