Just Around The Matterhorn - Rain - DAY 5 - Photo Diary

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Monday 16 December 2019

Just Around The Matterhorn - Rain - DAY 5 - Photo Diary

A lot of rain characterises day 5 of our Just Around the Matterhorn as we find ourselves finally reaching Zermatt.  After 4 days of complete wilderness and seeing very few people, arriving in Zermatt came as a bit of a shock.  However, there were many highlights to our day; a special moment was when we were treated by a local to a very special lunch set-up..... our very own lady and the tramp moment! Although thanks to the scheduling of the transport committee's upgrades to the railway lines, the evening that followed didn't see us sleeping very much....  
Here are some photos highlights..... admittedly not as spectacular as the other days in terms of scenery but still plenty of adventures....

Like the photo diary?  Please please consider downloading Dan's book to read about our incredible adventures.... It's brilliant....

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