Alpine Hiking Adventure Day 4 - La Chapelle d'Abondance to Col Chesery

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Wednesday 27 July 2016

Alpine Hiking Adventure Day 4 - La Chapelle d'Abondance to Col Chesery

After waking up to a wonderful breakfast fruit platter in our gite and fervently clearing out our packs of an unnecessary 2-3kg of stuff, the 930m continuous climb that we started our 4th day of walking with was much more palatable. In fact today we covered another 21km with 1500m if climbing and 550m of descent to find ourselves camped at a fraction under 2000m just on the Swiss side of the French-Swiss border.

Once again we were incredibly lucky with weather, enjoying sunshine when sheltered by trees and warm, overcast air when on open plains so we didn't have to lather up with too much suncream. The terrain was varied, with much higher mountains coming into view and plenty of long views to snow capped peaks.

Yet the big story of the day was that clear out. Having been too indecisive before leaving the UK our packs were a hybrid between backpacker and thru-hiker. We had too many clothes, a pair of trainers and various other bits that certainly added comfort when static, but were causing unnecessary suffering when hauling them over 2000m plus cols. So today we really committed. After our good nights sleep we jettisoned everything we didn't need to thru-hike and got back on the trail. It may only have been 2-3kg between us but you can feel it!

Not only has this provided a more comfortable experience, it has also quietened our minds as well because we're no longer weighing up what we are here to do. For instance, when the trail was hard in the first 2 days it was tempting to think "I've made a mistake, why aren't we back in a motorhome yet"..... Or "I'm an idiot, I wish my pack was lighter, but I'm not having fun so I don't want to get rid of my comforts as well...." Yet now we have committed it is much easier to take the rough with the smooth.

To be honest this is just another example of a trap we have often fallen into in our lives, of not committing, of keeping our options open and ultimately not fulfilling the potential of any particular experience because of it. We have seen it before and now the trail has reminded us yet again, we need to commit to the task in front of us, take it one signpost at a time and just see what arises. And so, just like all the other days so far our alpine hike is proving a wonderful learning experience.

1 comment

  1. You are so courageous and honest! It is wonderful to read you again. And while following you I learn as well! The only thing for me to do still is ... yes, to commit!!!


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