Saying Farewell to Felix - Our Cabo de Gata Campsite Cat

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Saturday 21 February 2015

Saying Farewell to Felix - Our Cabo de Gata Campsite Cat

We love animals and missing our pets has been one of the few hard parts about being away from the UK for a long period. Nothing can replace the love and rewarding feeling we got from our animals back home. However, since moving into our mobile home at Camping Los Escullos, we have been very lucky to have enjoyed the company of ‘Felix’, our furry feline friend. Since finding Felix sunbathing on our terrace one evening he’s become a regular visitor. Watching him relax, stretch, crave fuss and generally be completely fearless and attentive to us has been a real pleasure. As the day approaches for us to depart Camping Los Escullos, we’ve decided to put together this collection of our favourite Felix photo collages…

It's been difficult to choose but here our favourite pics of 'Felix'.

Sleepy Felix

Stretchy Felix 

Ninja Felix

Stretchy Felix  II

Fuss Me!

Relaxing with Felix

Even more Felix!

Farewell Felix!

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